Eminem Moving to Baltimore

Eminem Moving to Baltimore

In a huge surprise to everyone in Los Angeles, rap superstar Eminem reveals in a new interview that he is moving to the Baltimore, Maryland area. He tells the magazine that he is “tired of the L.A. lifestyle” and is looking for a big change in life.


“I’m just tired of the L.A. lifestyle and I feel like, at this point in my life, I’d rather just live in a place full of real, genuine people. I’ve been to Baltimore a couple of times over the years and the people there are real… they’re genuine, and yeah every community has its problems but the people there are good, decent people and they care about their community. Those are the things I find most important in deciding where to live,” Eminem told the magazine.


“I’m not retiring, I’m just looking for a change in life and I think I’ve found that in Baltimore,” Eminem reassured fans. Let us know what you think in the comments section below especially if you’re a resident of the Baltimore, Maryland area.