Twista Eludes Drug Charges

Twista Eludes Drug Charges

Drug charges related to a March traffic stop were dropped against Chicago rapper Twista on Tuesday (May 24), after another individual involved pled guilty to a Class B misdemeanor count for possession of marijuana. 43-year-old Johnnie A. Euell claimed full ownership of the substance recovered, and confirmed that he had in fact been the one behind the wheel of the rapper’s Rolls Royce when it was pulled over for following too close to a truck on March 24. The Porter County sheriff’s office also revealed that associates Michael A. Moore, 43, and Darrin J. Woody, 26 were also charged.

Twista Eludes Drug Charges

Twista, revealed to authorities as Carl Terrell Mitchell, 43, had been headed to Big Shots concert venue for a performance in South Haven, IN when he, along with his partners, were stopped while traveling east on U.S. Route 6. According to authorities, officers smelled marijuana smoke as they approached the vehicle, prompting them to initiate a search, which turned up a half ounce of the classified narcotic. All of the car’s occupants admitted to having smoked shortly before the stop, according to a police statement. Euell received a sentence of 180 days on administrative probation, along with a $17 fine.

Twista Eludes Drug Charges

The veteran emcee made his discontent over the situation clear following the arrest, releasing a statement that read: “I think the Indiana police could of spent the tax payers’ money arresting someone else with a more serious crime other than me. This is 2016, getting arrested for weed is like getting arrested for jay walking.”