Bryan Divisions – Dark Night of the Soul @BryanDivisions

Bryan Divisions – Dark Night of the Soul @BryanDivisions

‘Dark Night of the Soul’ was inspired by many of the roughest moments in Bryan Divisions’ life, most notably seeing divisive issues in his family as a ten year old, a time where the only emotional outlet he had was turning to notebooks to write poems in. The song speaks of the trauma one goes through when their family is breaking apart, and how they have to persevere through life and move forward even when everything is breaking down around them.

Bryan Divisions is a multi-dimensional rapper and producer, creating music that explores self-realization, spirituality, personal growth, love, and equality.

In his formative years, Bryan turned to writing to express his deeply held feelings and questions about the divisive aspects of human nature. Decades later, in 2015, the creative forces within manifested into his first self produced album, Shivai.

Bryan’s discography is an honest portrayal of an individual on the path of self-realization and self discovery. By consciously integrating both negative and positive earthly experiences into his creative sound, Bryan’s music serves as a confrontation to the unconscious aspect of our society that is out of touch with nature, invoking awareness to the one great truth: that we must each seek individual alignment for a better planet.

While delivering optimistic and hopeful lyrics amidst stories of struggle, Bryan’s soundscapes help us delve into our subconscious and reconnect with our inner selves. His lyrics are a reminder that we are the creators of our realities, and that a new balanced world is possible when we first balance our own internal energies as individuals.

Bryan’s ongoing desire to share his experiences and connect with others has led him to create his second album, Surrender, a musical journey of overcoming conflicting beliefs and energies in order to surrender to his heart, which dropped late 2018.

Moving forward into 2019, Bryan will be dropping music at an even faster pace, so stay tuned.

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