Roland Champaine- The Truth @RolandChampaine

Roland Champaine- The Truth @RolandChampaine

Roland Champaine is in pursuit of taking the music world by storm with his Hip Hop/R&B soulful style. Born and raised in the Golden Triangle -specifically Orange, Texas. Champaine has been singing since the age of 8. He noticed the power of his musical talent when he unintentionally serenaded his girl crush with his soft, yet captivating voice. From then till now, Champaine has been working to perfect his craft. Through writing songs that inspire his listeners to live in their truth and be comfortable with who they are as a person, Champaine’s work comes from personal, real-life experiences.

“Music can be an escape to a fantasy or it can help you face reality…I try my best to make my music resemble that,” says Champaine. And with his latest project, “Nostalgia,” Champaine incorporates both of these logistics into his sound. Through staying motivated by reading self-help books such as Charlamagne Tha God’s “Black Privilege: Opportunity Comes to Those Who Create It,” Champaine continues to find ways through his music to inspire others. He finds it rewarding being able to speak to people through his music. “It’s always a good feeling when people tell me they got through a situation because of a song I’ve written.”

For this reason, Champaine seeks to perfect himself as an artist through spending countless hours researching his favorite artists, focusing on their stage presence and what they bring to the table. “Practice makes perfect, so if I want to be able to compete with the greats, I need to be able to perform like the greats, if not better,” says Champaine. Today, Champaine seeks to stay on his grind through creating new music and giving his all every time he hits the stage. Listen to his standout track “The Truth” on YouTube.

“The Truth” was written by Ashary Geaury. A phenominal writer. The lyrics of this song poses the question; Are you telling the truth? I chose to record this song because of how relatable the lyrics were. At times, we get into relationships with others and we don’t know if its real or not. They have been down through thick and then, but are you showing me whats real, or are you just showing me what you want me to see?

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